Summary of Role Play (Assessment 4)

For assessment 4, we were asked to present a role play to our teacher. The role play was based on a group of health professionals discussing over a choice of 1 of the 2 case scenarios. We chose scenario 1, case of Molly Jones.

We formed our group by just choosing who sits next us in class, Luke and Jack. After we formed our group we had an open discussion on who wanted which role. Negotiation of roles was simple, as not two people wanted the same role, so we negotiated Rebecca as the paramedic, Luke as the podiatrist, Jack as the exercise sport scientist and myself as the physiotherapist.

Throughout the entirety of our role play, our group displayed a range of communication styles to interact with one another. Some of these communication styles included, body language, eye contact, active listening, use of voice and space and touch. Communication styles are used every day in the health profession to communicate effectively, and in our role play, we used all aspects of communication styles positively. Alvernia University (2018) stated that ‘Every person has a unique communication style, a way in which they interact and exchange information with others’. Our body language, alongside space and touch, was effective as we were not sitting too close together or overcrowded. Our positioning was open at the table in which we presented, with no arms or legs folded and facing each other in a respectful manner. When in discussion with one another, we made appropriate eye contact where needed, with no staring or not any eye contact made at all. The way we set out our scripts was to ensure that we were presenting active listening, by the questioning and understanding what was coming from each individual health professional. Our use of voice was in the right tone, with correct pausing and gaps in between each health professional talking, with also no yelling or strong tone or being too quiet.

We took a common approach to the scenario in which we chose. The scenario involving Mrs Jones taking a fall, assisted us in creating a unique scenario. Rebecca came up with the idea to make an interesting back story on the scenario to add something extra into our role play. As Mrs Jones had taken a fall and needed to make changes to her lifestyle, the sports exercise scientist, Jack, suggested that she begin taking the stairs in her apartment block instead of the lift. Starting with one flight of stairs and gradually increasing flights as she improved. The podiatrist, Luke, had ideas to modify her home to make it easier for her to get around and reduce the risk of another fall. Luke also suggested a change in footwear to take the pressure off her feet. Myself as the physiotherapist gave Mrs Jones a few simple exercises in which to complete everyday in the space of her own home.


Alvernia Univeristy. (2018). 4 types of communication styles. Retrieved from

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