Skills for Effective Communication

“Human Communication is the process of creating meaning through symbolic interaction” (DeVito, J. 2015)

There are four objectives of effective communication.

  • To be received (heard or read)
  • To be understood
  • To be accepted
  • To get in action (change behaviour or attitude)

“When we fail to achieve any one of these, we have failed to communicate(Stanton, N. n.d.)

Effective communication includes a number of skills. These include, body language, eye contact, facial expressions, space and body posture, stance and position, gestures, use of voice, empathy and sympathy, space and touch, and active listening. The use of these skills will improve my interaction with future clients in a positive way.

“Your knowledge of human communication and your mastery of many of its skills will enable you to improve a variety of skills that will prove vital to your success” (DeVito, J. 2015)

Communication is a crucial skill used by all health care professionals within the workplace. My learning of how to use skills in communication will positively impact my future interactions with clients in a number of ways. The use of communication skills can assist with the final outcome of overall treatment, that can result from any actions that were undertaken. Without the proper use of communication, it can alter any potential outcomes for the client.

Ensuring the correct outcome is reached for the client is essential, especially as health professionals work for the client to meet their needs. This practice is known as person centred care.

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