Reflective Summary

Active Listening

One of the other topics we learnt in the unit was active listening. Active listening is the most important component of effective communication. SOLER, standing for sit, open posture, lean towards the person/s, eye contact and relax, is one of the models that is used to demonstrate active listening.

The other model we used to learn about active listening was SURETY, which stands for sit at an angle, uncross legs/arms, relax, eye contact, touch and your intuition. Using the elements of both of these models will present active listening to the person whom you are conversing with.

Effective Communication

The use of effective communication is a key concept in which I will use in my future profession. Some factors of effective communication include

  • Space
  • Body posture
  • Eye contact
  • Facial expression
  • Gestures

If any of the above are demonstrated negatively during conversation, you will not be showing effective communication. The use of effective communication in correlation to my future profession, will have a positive impact in the way I connect with my clients.

Use of Voice

Also apart of effective communication, but most vital, is the use of voice. The features of the voice include

  • Pitch
  • Volume
  • Rate
  • Emphasis
  • Timing – pauses
  • Tone

The above can take a positive impact on the way you communicate if used correctly. However, if used incorrectly, it can negatively impact the way in which your client responds.

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