Reflective Practice

Reflective practice in the health profession is crucial, as oneself needs to reflect on their learning, to build self-awareness and creative thinking skills, as well as produce active engagement into work processes.

“Reflective practice is a tool for improving your learning both as a student and in relation to your work and life experiences.” (Skills You Need, n.d.)

As health professionals are required to interact and communicate daily, the use of reflective practice will improve individual skills, in their learning path to become a health professional. There are certain aspects of reflective practice in which are required to reflect effectively, these include, to name a few:

  • Commitment to your learning
  • Honesty within yourself
  • Willingness towards feedback
  • Understanding of learning being lifelong
  • Motivation to reach potential

As a current studying health professional, reflective practice will assist me to recall my learning, so that I am able to produce more constructive feedback to my future clients as well as help me to engage with future clients, and build a therapeutic relationship. As reflective practice promotes both personal and professional development, it will provide positive outcomes for my clients.

The use of reflective practice in my future career in the health profession will implement both honesty and trust between both myself and the client, overall building a therapeutic relationship. By the development of both personally and professionally, it will provide clients with a positive outcome.

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